Sunday, October 28, 2007

Story Ideas Flowing Thick and Fast

This is a test so we will see how it goes.

Ever since I signed up to the Nano month yesterday, the story ideas have been flowing so fast I can't get them onto the page fast enough.

I spent a number of hours yesterday sitting under my pear tree (no pears as yet) writing them into my lime green Nano note book, and all of today worry about the story ideas I couldn't get down fast enough.

I'm really excited about this years Nano. Last year, I did it with a group of 5 in March. I think about three of us finished. I've been trying to craft my brain dump into a Novel ever since. It's a difficult topic and I have to take long breaks from the content. I wonder if I'll ever get it finished. Maybe one day. (you can take a look at the topic at

So for this year I've decided to start on something new. And something with a little more humour.

I won't go too much into what it's about at this stage. Suffice to say it's based to the ups and downs experienced in 15 year relationship and the two month road trip I took across the Nullarbor and around Western Australia last year.

Hopefully, I'll get this one finished a little more quickly and a lot less traumatised.

Anyway, that's me and what I hope to achieve from this Nano. I am looking forward to the next month and having some fun with all you fellow Nanoites.


1 comment:

Dreaming again said...

if you don't fix your site before tomorrow after I get off of church, I will then, right now, my body is protesting and insisting I go to bed. Evidently, I put the link to your name to your email instead of your website. OOOOPS!!!

Nice post!!